Where brutal theater lives.

In our continued quest to find the most intense and visceral play we sometimes (mostly) never know for sure what we are doing until the last possible moment. Because of rights issues, company issues and monetary issues it is never easy.

...but here is a teaser.

It looks highly likely 29th Street Rep will be remounting one of its most acclaimed past productions Off Broadway in early 2010. Below is a picture to give you a hint which play it was and will be again!


May/June hopefully will see us presenting the NYC Premiere of Rantoul And Die by this guy, Mark Roberts.


Their marriage has reached its expiration fact it has soured and stuck to the bottom of the carton.

There is a thin line between
love and hate.

A kiss or a punch.

An ice cream cone or a beer bottle
to the back of the head.

"Rantoul And Die is a rant of the highest magnitude...diving off a building into a glass of water. I know I'd pay to see a guy do that" -Tom Waits


If those last two paragraphs don't satisfy your thirst for knowledge then maybe you need to read the LA Times review...or maybe check your anal retentiveness at the door, champ!

Mr. Roberts is the head writer and Executive Producer of TWO AND A HALF MEN. The production had its LA Premiere this spring.

Stay tuned!


The Hive - The Women of 29th St. Rep: A reinvention of the award-winning Off Broadway theater, originally established in 1988. The Hive invites and provides artists with an environment of networking and resources for boundary-breaking projects in all mediums. For info click here.


29th St Rep - Where Brutal Theater Lives!

Sound clip: "Shower Groove" Will Pitts © 1999